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Version: v6


Ionic Config provides a way to change the properties of components globally across an app. It can set the app mode, tab button layout, animations, and more.

Global Config

To override the default Ionic configurations for your app, provide your own custom config to IonicModule.forRoot(...). The available config keys can be found in the IonicConfig interface.

For example, to disable ripple effects and default the mode to Material Design:

import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';

imports: [
rippleEffect: false,
mode: 'md'

Per-Component Config

Ionic Config is not reactive. Updating the config's value after the component has rendered will result in the previous value. It is recommended to use a component's properties instead of updating the config, when you require reactive values.

Not recommended

import { IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';

imports: [
// Not recommended when your app requires reactive values
backButtonText: 'Go Back'


<ion-back-button [text]="backButtonText"></ion-back-button>
class MyComponent {
backButtonText = this.config.get('backButtonText');

constructor(private config: Config) { }

localeChanged(locale: string) {
if (locale === 'es_ES') {
this.backButtonText = 'Devolver';


Per-Platform Config

Ionic Config can also be set on a per-platform basis. For example, this allows you to disable animations if the app is being run in a browser on a potentially slower device. Developers can take advantage of the Platform utilities to accomplish this.

Since the config is set at runtime, you will not have access to the Platform Dependency Injection. Instead, you can use the underlying functions that the provider uses directly.

In the following example, we are disabling all animations in our Ionic app only if the app is running in a mobile web browser. The isPlatform() call returns true or false based upon the platform that is passed in. See the Platform Documentation for a list of possible values.

import { isPlatform, IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';

imports: [
animated: !isPlatform('mobileweb')

Per-platform config with fallback for unmatched platforms:

import { isPlatform, IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';

const getConfig = () => {
if (isPlatform('hybrid')) {
return {
backButtonText: 'Previous',
tabButtonLayout: 'label-hide'

return {
menuIcon: 'ellipsis-vertical'
imports: [

Per-platform config overrides:

import { isPlatform, IonicModule } from '@ionic/angular';

const getConfig = () => {
let config = {
animated: false

if (isPlatform('iphone')) {
config = {
backButtonText: 'Previous'

return config;
imports: [



DescriptionReturns a config value as an any. Returns null if the config is not defined.
Signatureget(key: string, fallback?: any) => any


import { Config } from '@ionic/angular';

class AppComponent {
constructor(config: Config) {
const mode = config.get('mode');


DescriptionReturns a config value as a boolean. Returns false if the config is not defined.
SignaturegetBoolean(key: string, fallback?: boolean) => boolean


import { Config } from '@ionic/angular';

class AppComponent {
constructor(config: Config) {
const swipeBackEnabled = config.getBoolean('swipeBackEnabled');


DescriptionReturns a config value as a number. Returns 0 if the config is not defined.
SignaturegetNumber(key: string, fallback?: number) => number


import { Config } from '@ionic/angular';

class AppComponent {
constructor(config: Config) {
const keyboardHeight = config.getNumber('keyboardHeight');



Below are the config options that Ionic uses.

actionSheetEnterAnimationBuilderProvides a custom enter animation for all ion-action-sheet, overriding the default "animation".
actionSheetLeaveAnimationBuilderProvides a custom leave animation for all ion-action-sheet, overriding the default "animation".
alertEnterAnimationBuilderProvides a custom enter animation for all ion-alert, overriding the default "animation".
alertLeaveAnimationBuilderProvides a custom leave animation for all ion-alert, overriding the default "animation".
animatedbooleanIf true, Ionic will enable all animations and transitions across the app.
backButtonDefaultHrefstringOverrides the default value for the defaultHref property in all <ion-back-button> components.
backButtonIconstringOverrides the default icon in all <ion-back-button> components.
backButtonTextstringOverrides the default text in all <ion-back-button> components.
hardwareBackButtonbooleanIf true, Ionic will respond to the hardware back button in an Android device.
infiniteLoadingSpinnerSpinnerTypesOverrides the default spinner type in all <ion-infinite-scroll-content> components.
loadingEnterAnimationBuilderProvides a custom enter animation for all ion-loading, overriding the default "animation".
loadingLeaveAnimationBuilderProvides a custom leave animation for all ion-loading, overriding the default "animation".
loadingSpinnerSpinnerTypesOverrides the default spinner for all ion-loading overlays.
menuIconstringOverrides the default icon in all <ion-menu-button> components.
menuTypestringOverrides the default menu type for all <ion-menu> components.
modalEnterAnimationBuilderProvides a custom enter animation for all ion-modal, overriding the default "animation".
modalLeaveAnimationBuilderProvides a custom leave animation for all ion-modal, overriding the default "animation".
modeModeThe mode determines which platform styles to use for the whole application.
navAnimationAnimationBuilderOverrides the default "animation" of all ion-nav and ion-router-outlet across the whole application.
pickerEnterAnimationBuilderProvides a custom enter animation for all ion-picker, overriding the default "animation".
pickerLeaveAnimationBuilderProvides a custom leave animation for all ion-picker, overriding the default "animation".
platformPlatformConfigOverrides the default platform detection methods.
popoverEnterAnimationBuilderProvides a custom enter animation for all ion-popover, overriding the default "animation".
popoverLeaveAnimationBuilderProvides a custom leave animation for all ion-popover, overriding the default "animation".
refreshingIconstringOverrides the default icon in all <ion-refresh-content> components.
refreshingSpinnerSpinnerTypesOverrides the default spinner type in all <ion-refresh-content> components.
sanitizerEnabledbooleanIf true, Ionic will enable a basic DOM sanitizer on component properties that accept custom HTML.
spinnerSpinnerTypesOverrides the default spinner in all <ion-spinner> components.
statusTapbooleanIf true, clicking or tapping the status bar will cause the content to scroll to the top.
swipeBackEnabledbooleanIf true, Ionic will enable the "swipe-to-go-back" gesture across the application.
tabButtonLayoutTabButtonLayoutOverrides the default "layout" of all ion-bar-button across the whole application.
toastEnterAnimationBuilderProvides a custom enter animation for all ion-toast, overriding the default "animation".
toastLeaveAnimationBuilderProvides a custom leave animation for all ion-toast, overriding the default "animation".